Blue - Purple Belts
- TO TEST TWICE A YEAR: Must have trained the equivalent to 2x/week (Twice a week) for two sessions before each test. Total of 4 classes per testing period
- 4 classes total between the Winter and Spring to test in the Spring Belt Test/
- 4 classes total between the Summer and Fall to test in the Fall Belt Test.
- Example: 2 classes each session OR 1 class for one session and 3 classes the next session.
- TO TEST ONCE A YEAR: Must have trained the equivalent of 1x a week for 4 sessions.
- Must have t
- Example: 1 classes each session OR if you missed a session (such as summer), 2 classes in one session.
belt Testing requirements
At this point in your karate training, we know you understand the value of practice and guidance to achieve your goals. Training needs to be consistent and with the attention to detail only your sensei can provide. Therefore, the below training requirements are in place in order to continue belt testing twice per year. If you do not meet these requirements, or cannot for whatever reason, you are still able to test on an annual basis only (once a year).
Brown + Black Belts Belts
- TO TEST TWICE A YEAR: Must have five classes between the testing cycle to test twice a year
- Total of 5 classes per testing period
- 5 classes total between the Winter and Spring to test in the Spring Belt Test/
- 5 classes total between the Summer and Fall to test in the Fall Belt Test.
- Example: 2 classes one session and 3 classes the other session.
- TO TEST ONCE A YEAR: Must have trained five classes since your last belt exam.