Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the difference between Shotokan Karate and other styles of martial arts?
Shotokan is a Japanese form of karate derived from Okinawan Arts by its founder Gichen Funakoshi. Shotokan places an equal emphasis on hand and foot techniques and is characterized by low strong stances and explosive power. Shotokan utilizes ones body rather than using weapons.
What is the difference between Illinois Shotokan Karate Club and a Storefront Karate School?
Quality Training – ISKC has been in business for over 30 years and offers classes throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area. Our club is well known both nationally and Internationally, and is one of the largest karate organizations in the United States. ISKC has consistently been the #1 medal producer at the National Championships for the last 5 years.
Cost Effective – With ISKC there are no contracts. You register through your park district, and each semester usually lasts 9-15 weeks. Classes typically cost around $12 per class. This gives the students (and parents) the ability to evaluate the class at the end of each semester, because they are a not tied to a long-term contract like many storefront karate schools.
Will karate training help if my child is too shy, or how about too aggressive?
Karate training helps develop self-confidence and teaches control, helping “shy” children become more assertive. Karate also teaches self-discipline which helps aggressive children learn how to control their energy and channel it in a positive way.
How do you get a black belt and how long does it take to achieve your black belt?
With consistent training and practice, it takes an average of 5-7 years to obtain a black belt. There are eleven (11) belt levels you must pass before earning a black belt. They are:
White Belt
Red Belt
Orange Belt
Yellow Belt
Blue Belt
Green Belt
Low Purple Belt
High Purple Belt
3rd Brown Belt
2nd Brown Belt
1st Brown Belt
Black Belt
Is there an age limit for who can take karate?
Our program offers classes for all ages, starting at age 4, with our oldest student currently being 76 years young. Older adults can benefit from karate because it is a good form of exercise that they can do regularly that improves muscle tone and cardiovascular conditioning.
Is karate a sport for women?
Karate is fast becoming a very popular sport for females. Of our current enrollment, approximately 30% are females. More and more, young girls and older women are getting involved in classes with new beginner class enrollment as high as 50% female.
Do you have to be a good athlete to be able to learn karate?
No. Karate is an individual sport so students can excel at their own rate. Karate helps develop coordination, balance, poise and flexibility which builds one’s athletic ability and self-esteem.
How do I sign up for karate with Illinois Shotokan Karate Club?
Visit our Locations page (insert hyperlink) to see the closest park district where classes are offered. If you have any questions about class times, locations or instructors, please call the ISKC office at 847-359-0666 or 800-458-9797.
What do I wear to my first day of karate class?
If you have not purchased a karate gi (uniform) from the Illinois Shotokan Karate Office prior to class, you can come to class wearing comfortable workout clothing (Ex. t-shirt and sweat pants or shorts). However, after the first few classes, it is highly recommended that you begin wearing a ISKC approved karate gi and belt for the remainder of the semester. You may order a gi from your instructor in class.