Contact Us

One of our instructors will be in contact with you within 2 business days, if not sooner. If you need more immediate help, please call our office at 847-359-0666 Monday - Friday, 9am - 3:30pm.

327 North Eric Drive
Palatine, IL, 60067
United States


Illinois Shotokan Karate Clubs is the Chicago Suburb's Top Karate School. Classes are taught through the Park District and by experienced instructors. 

3rd Kyu Brown Belt Kata Training - 12/28


Check out some of our classes held at the ISKC Dojo in Palatine.

3rd Kyu Brown Belt Kata Training - 12/28

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3rd Kyu Brown.png

3rd Kyu Brown Belt Kata Training - 12/28


Time: 9:30am - 11:00am

Age: 9 - 17 years

Rank: 3rd Kyu Brown Belts

Location: ISKC Dojo - 327 N. Eric Drive, Palatine, IL

***This is only to RESERVE you place in the training. Waiver forms and payment is due at the workout***

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