Contact Us

One of our instructors will be in contact with you within 2 business days, if not sooner. If you need more immediate help, please call our office at 847-359-0666 Monday - Friday, 9am - 3:30pm.

327 North Eric Drive
Palatine, IL, 60067
United States


Illinois Shotokan Karate Clubs is the Chicago Suburb's Top Karate School. Classes are taught through the Park District and by experienced instructors. 


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Winter 2021 Coloring Contest


Happy Holiday, everyone! To bring some extra cheer to your Winter break (or something to keep the kids busy for bit), we thought it would be fun to have a coloring contest!

We will be drawing a name from each age category (4 & 5 years olds, 6-8 year olds, 9-12 year olds and lastly, 13 years & up) and also choosing one grand prize winner for the most creative reindeer which will be voted on by the ISKC Senseis! Winners will win some ISKC Swag. Happy coloring!

To enter:

  1. Download the Rising Block Reindeer drawing at the below link.

  2. Color/decorate and get as creative as you’d like! Sky is the limit.

  3. Take a photo of you and your drawing and post it to Instagram or Facebook and tag ISKC! ISKC’s Facebook page is HERE and our Instagram is HERE.

  4. Submissions are due by 12/28 and winners announced shortly thereafter!